About Elevator Engineering
Elevator Engineering specializes in two, three, and four story hydraulic elevators. We are the cost effective alternative to the big elevator companies. Our ideal customer is the small business owner or facilities manager who has a two to four story building with an elevator.​

Our Quality Guarantee
Elevator Engineering was formed in 1992 as a design company doing elevator modernizations. We made the newest technology fit on older elevators for other companies. This work took place in buildings ranging from two to thirty stories.
In time it became obvious that the low rise market was underserved. Small owners with small elevators received little or no maintanence, waited for service calls and paid very high rates. This made no sense as elevators four stories and under make up the largest portion of the elevator industry.
In 1998 we began to concentrate exclusively on serving this market.
Today, Elevator Engineering is the largest company which services only two, three, and four story buildings.